Narayana Oracle Meeting 8/7/18 (as requested by God and our friends from Andromeda)

3 Oms

We call upon Cosmic Sai Baba and ask him to bless this Oracle that we have, with guidance for the best way to conduct the meeting in the most focused way that you would like us to do. We are sorry about the last meeting.

The candle flame is very tall and very straight.

We ask who is present? G O D

Jacqui Johnston:

We are guessing you heard our conversation about our confusion?



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3 Oms Shanti Shanti Shanti #2

Valerie opened the meeting by calling on Cosmic Sai Baba to be with us, to bless this Oracle and we offer ourselves in service and look forward to working with Andromeda.

We meditate

We ask for acknowledgement of God being present, and it is confirmed.
A very peaceful energy surrounds us. We get a YES from the Oracle.
And a request to speak through Valerie.

Valerie Barrow channels Cosmic Sai Baba:

It is I, Cosmic Sai Baba, and I am very pleased to be with you this day. The platform has been set up and we are ready to connect to the Oracle in Andromeda, where the girls there are working diligently with you three.

Andromeda Val also makes herself known to be present, and asks did we have any questions?

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The Origin of the Chinese – Asiatic races

arctic manThere were some observations about the differences between the Chinese and races from the “west” (for want of a better word). The Chinese appear to be of a racially different origin and the Oracle was asked if they were from a separate evolutionary path. After the Oracle answers, Yalarm tells that sometime around the time of ancient Lemuria, a separate race settled in areas we now call Asia. Some went North and others went South; they had interactions with other starpeoples and developed differently from the Chinese and Japanese races.

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