Light Beings, Star People and the Earth Ice Age

Ice AgeThe Mystery School continues to work with The Oracle as guided by Jalarm (pronounced ‘Yalum’). Guidance is needed, for at times, Jalarm has to withdraw in order that the lightworkers of the Mystery School might even think. This is challenging service to humanity, for be that as it may, many have never been in the presence of one who is a member of the Hierarchy, and the vibration and energy is so strong, so high, that it is nigh impossible to think of a new question and it is quite easy to go off on a tangent.

The purpose of the Mystery School (among many others on the Earth at this time) is to recover the lost history of the Human, and its origins, along with a history of the Earth that helps us to understand who we are, where we come from and how matters today obscure our true history. Jalarm has shared that the Earth’s moon was brought here from elsewhere, and that the Earth was moved from another orbit around our Sun to its present place and orbit between Venus and Mars. (This was to enable the growth of warm-blooded creatures.) Moreover, Jalarm and the Oracle have revealed that everything, every form of life, was brought here from another place. Think of that! The flowers, the grasses, the trees, the birds and the bees! We do live in a wonder-world of creation and human flourishing.

We return to Jalarm and the discussion about the 144,000:

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Sanat Kumara and the 144,000

Chilean skyscopesMany think that the Universe ticks along like clockwork, until they read what our scientists and astronomers discover in the outer regions of our Universe, billions of light years away. Our lives are sourced from the stars. The Mystery School unveils a story of human life which is gifted from those who came from other worlds, other galaxies, other dimensions. They came to make this corner of the Orion Arm of our galaxy a Garden of Eden. Eden, of course is a word that comes from the star-peoples; it carries a vibration essence, that essence-vibration of “creation of a beautiful place, garden, place of harmony and peace”.

After travels, adventures and trials, the Mystery School reconvenes with love – for one another, and for all humankind. Loving-kindness is their goal, loving-kindness for all, as they explore the story of the human – the one the starpeople call “Earthling”, and life before the Fall of Atlantis. Jalarm the Atlantean is present.

On this day, Jalarm answers questions about the multiple sources of human life and the mission of the 144,000 star peoples, what some might call Starseeds. These were all volunteers; they came to enChrist the Crystal light within the hairy up-standing ape and taught them many skills. There were the Pleiadians and the Blue People from Venus – who originally came from many places in the Universe on a voluntary mission to help all beings on Earth.

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The Dark-haired Dark-eyed peoples

Map showing Melanesia, PolynesiaIn order that we, the hue-man (the being that is filled with the Hue of Light) might “see the light” and take our place in the 4th and 5th Dimensions – among the Starpeoples of our Universe – Jalarm and The Oracle pass though information on the multifaceted history of the hue-man. In this session with Jalarm, we learn of the origins of the dark-haired and dark-eyed peoples. We hear about different races, different starpeoples, and different times of genetic engineering.

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Sacred Dance; the coming of the Moon and the Occitan Peoples

Moon with Occitania leitmotifIt is the New Year of 2014, which came – as many observed – with a New Moon. While the Moon was weak, it augurs brightly for a year of love expanding and filling many hearts. A new Moon is always a conjunction of the Sun and Moon, and Jalarm goes on to explain the balance of energies flowing to the Earth from both the Sun and the Moon.

The New Year – here on Earth – is greeted with celebration and festivities. One of the Harmony Sisters (Valerie, Jacqui and Jill) asks if there are celebrations in the “place” or “domain” … or dimension where Jalarm has being and existence. A most surprising answer is given.

You will note the image of the Moon with little red rubies in the shape of the Flag of the Occitans of South France. Valerie (through Jacqui and Jill) asked about the Occitans and an informative answer comes with respect to understanding much about the histories of the Earth and what the archaeologists uncover, and how – as Jalarm has explained before – there were many starpeople doing genetic engineering.

We, here at the Mystery School wish you an “Auspicious” New Year; May your year and all that you learn and create bring blessing to you and your beloveds. We here at the Mystery School serve you with joy and humbleness as we bring you the transmissions of Jalarm, the Hierarchy and The Oracle:

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