The Great American Eclipse will carve a path of totality – darkness – across the North of the Americas on 21 August 2017. This eclipse has been signified in many crop circles and in this note, we look to some other crop circles. The time of Ascension and the higher dimensions is now, and the crop circles portend a wave of uplifting energies coming. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
Crop circles
Notes on a Solar Eclipse – August 2017
The August 2017 solar eclipse follows the partial lunar eclipse of two weeks earlier. This eclipse occurs during turbulent times for the planets. The month of August has many planetary changes in addition to effects from this particular eclipse.
Crop Circles, the Solar Eclipse and the 5th Dimension
On 26 June, a crop circle was reported at Thorn Hill, Wiltshire, UK, which appears to establish connections between heavenly bodies through a central connecting device, thought to be the central sun of all universes. Other crop circles reported in June either confirm same or point to the forthcoming total solar eclipse of 21 August 2017.
Crop Circles of Bird-beings
Over the years of Crop Circles being given to the peoples of Earth, some have shown bird-like beings – representations of birds on Earth, and symbols of bird-beings from other galaxies, dimensions and Universes. In this message, we take a look at imagery from crop circles and bird-symbolism from our own civilisations.
There are many crop circles portrayed in this note, and links back to particular parts of the transmission by the Ancient Eagle Woman, particularly about light, language, the language of light and the role of the Bird-like peoples in creation of the Earth.