In this series, we look to the causes of the over-stimulation of the mind. We begin looking back in history with the advent of television and the personal computer leading to Playstation and Xbox and video gaming and the influence on the mind.
Meditation on Light
Many years ago, perhaps in the early days of awakening in the New Age movement, the times of the 11-11 portal openings, many seers and visionaries were reporting that a time of three days of darkness was to come; there would be no light, no electricity, and humanity would be living in darkness. As most of humanity would be in ignorance of this, this was expected to be a time of terror and extreme reactions by persons unable to cope with such a catastrophe, as some would call this. It is now understood that in the last three months, this “wall of darkness” has occluded the light, and darkened the inner light to some extent in the social, intellectual, physical and spiritual domains of the person.
Everything has consciousness
Amid the extreme heat of an Australian Summer, The Mystery School meets. With humility, they ask for a message from Jalarm (pronounced Yalum) and receive a surprising answer about how Oracles operated in the times before the Fall of Atlantis. The questions for today range from energy obtained from trees and their role in the nurturance of the Earth and its atmosphere. There is also a question on the nature of group minds and how these operate. Jalarm reminds us that thinking creates our world and our experience. Positive thoughts and prayers can make our world a better place. The ladies present share a common vision of a tall cross in the Australian Outback.
Your Thoughts and Your World
After the Solstice
We know since 21 December 2012, that the world did not end. There is more light here upon the Earth, and that light is going to the Earth our Mother herself, and to the different dimensions, and to all the beings that live here : in the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, the kingdom of mankind, and to the beings in the higher dimensions.
There has been a change, an uplifting, a surge of light energy, and a change in the relationships of humanity, between persons, members of a family, in a town, in a society, and between nations.