Human beings live and act, work and rest in multiple domains. These are intellectual, personal, social, emotional and spiritual domains. These domains rest on true humanness, the practice of human values which form our character and our destiny. We look to how energy is involved in all these domains of human endeavour and why values are important when we are affected by energies.
Values and Ageing
General de Gaulle once said “Old age is a shipwreck”, referring to the many dimensions of ageing and maintaining health and a buoyant life. There are many aspects of ageing – social, psychological, physiological, mental and spiritual. In this article, we look to some of the issues of ageing and how human values may be employed.
The Opening of Stargates; Finding and Flowing with Peace
It is a time between lunar and solar eclipses. The Mystery School assembles and is guided to understand that they are lightworkers and their thoughts and questions are seeded within them. However, Jalarm is quick to point out that the Hierarchy – and all who serve the Hierarchy in the different dimensions and worlds – are here to serve and help the human, the Earthling, to evolve, to progress with free exercise of will and energy. Some are in the Light; some live in a darker place, yet, at a deep level within, aspire to Peace on Earth. The Harmony Sisters – these ladies who meet and freely give their time in service of Creative Source of All and their Fellow Earthlings, begin with the guidance of Jalarm.
World Peace and Planetary Healing
World Peace and Planetary Healing will come sooner than we expect. Yalarm goes on to tell when the peak times are to aid this process for groups who come together to do this work.