On this website you will have read the recent explanation of how everything that exists on this planet and every name and form of the Divine has come from the stars, and the Universe itself. This day is an anniversary of the birth of one of these names and forms of the Divine who has come to guide and guard humanity through the great shift into the Golden Age and the higher dimensions. Other beings from the Angelic Realms have come, and in one instance have been honoured to have teach on humanity’s recent past is Jalarm the Atlantean (pronounced Yalum or Yalarm). On this day, we have made a selection of the early teachings given by Jalarm the Atlantean for your enrichment. Enjoy!
Junk DNA
Astrology and the June Solstice, 2015
In the southern hemisphere, the mid-winter solstice will take place on June 22nd, 2015, in the early morning hours – 2:39AM in many places. This solstice heralds the ingress of a powerful time for humanity as a whole, in the social domain, in learning and self-learning – particularly with regard to Ascension – and the ongoing activation of so-called “junk-DNA” and the escalating energies of the stargates. In this article, we look to the astrological indications of this sacred time.
Activating Junk DNA
In this session of the Mystery School, The Oracle confirms that Australia and India were once joined. The subject turns to self-harm and suicide, and what happens to souls thereafter; a surprising account is given. The question of Junk DNA returns to the discussion and Jalarm explains some of the background to Junk DNA, its linkage to the essential nature of the human, and how it might be activated within.
Pre Fall of Atlantis: Starpeople visiting and Advanced Knowledge
Yalarm tells of the history of Earth and how the Humans were genetically engineered. Before the Fall of Atlantis, there were many races of starpeople coming and going on Earth. Electricity was generated and distributed through grids under the Earth. The grids surrounding the Earth closed up somewhat to prevent the catastrophic energy from going out and affecting other planetary systems and galaxies. This is now loosened to admit the energy from the Source of All; it will raise all life forms on Earth and bring the Golden Age.