On this website you will have read the recent explanation of how everything that exists on this planet and every name and form of the Divine has come from the stars, and the Universe itself. This day is an anniversary of the birth of one of these names and forms of the Divine who has come to guide and guard humanity through the great shift into the Golden Age and the higher dimensions. Other beings from the Angelic Realms have come, and in one instance have been honoured to have teach on humanity’s recent past is Jalarm the Atlantean (pronounced Yalum or Yalarm). On this day, we have made a selection of the early teachings given by Jalarm the Atlantean for your enrichment. Enjoy!
Blue People
The Sun’s Magnetic Reversal, The Blue People
The Mystery School explores questions about the so-called “Blue People” and wonder if Lord Shiva is blue, and if he lives on Earth in the 5th Dimension. They learn that Lord Shiva is of the Angelic Realm. Questions are asked – and answered about “The Watchers” … their role, their presence here around the Earth. In this time of Ascension, there has been a delay to the cyclic 11-year magnetic reversal of the Sun. We learn that was delayed in order to avert destabilisation on Earth. You can read more about the Sun’s Magnetic Reversal and other topics here.