2017 September Equinox

There are two equinoxes every year – in September and March – when the sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night is nearly equal. Seasons are opposite on either side of the Equator, so the equinox in September is also known as the autumnal (fall) equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, and is considered the first day of fall. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is known as the vernal (spring) equinox and marks the first day of spring.

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Lunar New Year – Time to Shine

rainbow-childrenThe Lunar New Year comes with the New Moon in Pisces, early in April. This lunar new year, it is time to shine: it is time for Indigo Children, Crystal Children, Diamond Children and Rainbow Children and-Teens-and-ADULTS to shine. Your time has come, your mission has begun. It is time to spread your light on Earth. We take our reading from where the Soul of the Earth is located: the Sphinx at Giza.

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Ancient Nuclear Conflict; Hanuman, star-being and first Human; reception of the Star Peoples

war above EarthThe Mystery School chats on – for learning in the higher dimensions is cyclic and not linear nor rote repetition like the 3R’s of reading, ‘writing’ and arithmetic … gathering and expanding information when working with the higher energies is like the double helix spinning, slowing down, gathering speed and churning with similar, like ideas. Man and Woman must play the game of discovery and self-discovery.

There are questions about pre-historic atomic conflicts and evidence of this by way of radiation and sand turned into blue crystals. The story of Hanuman, the monkey god, who was the first Star Being charged with oversight of this planet, and also gave the DNA imprint for the evolution of the first human, the up-standing ape who would become intelligent. WAR is a terrible thing, and fear of the unknown aided and abetted by weaponry is not a good reception for the star-peoples when they come. For they are coming, with a message of love, a message of our purpose on Earth, and our true destiny as dwellers in a creation crafted so wonderfully by the Creative Source of All.

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Everything has consciousness

Flock of BirdsAmid the extreme heat of an Australian Summer, The Mystery School meets. With humility, they ask for a message from Jalarm (pronounced Yalum) and receive a surprising answer about how Oracles operated in the times before the Fall of Atlantis. The questions for today range from energy obtained from trees and their role in the nurturance of the Earth and its atmosphere. There is also a question on the nature of group minds and how these operate. Jalarm reminds us that thinking creates our world and our experience. Positive thoughts and prayers can make our world a better place. The ladies present share a common vision of a tall cross in the Australian Outback.

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