Ancient Nuclear Conflict; Hanuman, star-being and first Human; reception of the Star Peoples

war above EarthThe Mystery School chats on – for learning in the higher dimensions is cyclic and not linear nor rote repetition like the 3R’s of reading, ‘writing’ and arithmetic … gathering and expanding information when working with the higher energies is like the double helix spinning, slowing down, gathering speed and churning with similar, like ideas. Man and Woman must play the game of discovery and self-discovery.

There are questions about pre-historic atomic conflicts and evidence of this by way of radiation and sand turned into blue crystals. The story of Hanuman, the monkey god, who was the first Star Being charged with oversight of this planet, and also gave the DNA imprint for the evolution of the first human, the up-standing ape who would become intelligent. WAR is a terrible thing, and fear of the unknown aided and abetted by weaponry is not a good reception for the star-peoples when they come. For they are coming, with a message of love, a message of our purpose on Earth, and our true destiny as dwellers in a creation crafted so wonderfully by the Creative Source of All.

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Starpeople who come to experience family life

Genomes from the starsYalarm is asked a lot of questions about evolution or creation. Both evolution and genetic engineering played a role in the emergence of life forms on this planet. Many forms of life share common genetic material, and are vertebrate. Birds, reptiles and fish – what is their place in the evolutionary tree? Yalarm tells us that many starpeople come to experience human life, particularly life in a loving family with warmth, compassion and children. This is important for their evolutionary development.

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The Annunaki and the Evolution of the Divine Light within

Galaxy50,000 starpeople came on a mission to bring the Light of the Source of All Creation to this, our corner of the galaxy. Very few survived the catastrophe to form an establishment on the Earth. The light was needed for the Earth was shaded with darkness due the activities of the Annunaki, a race insufficiently evolved to be beings infused with the light of the Source of All Creation.

The up-standing hairy-ape creature – among other genetic experiments – were created and developed into a cave-man like race of beings that followed orders and worked as gold miners for the Annunaki. The Annunaki wanted to have unlimited potentialities but were insufficiently evolved as a race to connect with the Source of All Creation; they offered their creations (as sacrifices) in order to receive higher essences. There was flouting of the order of Hierarchy – from the Angelic Realms.

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