The Journey of King Tutankhamun to Australia

funerary-300x300The Mystery School examines the Journey of King Tut to Australia. Where did he land, did he interact with the Australian Aborigine tribes, and what was their response to these dark skinned travellers from ancient far-off lands? Questions are asked about King Tut and his array of sea vessels travelling south from Northern Queensland. They (the indigenous people) knew of the Egyptian/Phoenician people. They knew from where they came. You can read more about the travels of King Tut on the East Coast of Australia

Egypt and Australia: Part 2 of The King Tut link

sarcophagusThe January 2016 meeting of the Mystery School was planned to recover material lost from the earlier session. However, “upstairs” has a plan that more information needs to be uncovered for synthesis to come together about the journey from Egypt to ancient Australia (Lemuria) to be understood, and for this understanding to elicit further from the soul memories of those present. You can read Part 2 of Egypt and Australia: The King Tut Link here.

Pre-Atlantis wars and how the early humans learned astronomy

Plato's legend of AtlantisThere are many who refer to a race as “Arcturian”; in fact there are different races that have come here from the star Arcturus. Edgar Cayce did describe one of these races accurately. In pre-Atlantean times, there were conflicts, and there were wars on the Earth. The Leonines (from Sirius) who were helped by yet another race from the constellation called Sirius, engaged in a brief war with the Reptilian races.

The starpeople from the Pleiades helped the humans learn many things; they drew (carved, or embedded using laser technology) star maps on rocks at Kariong and taught the evolving humans astronomy. They also taught them how to make fire, how to cook, and so forth. Yalarm tells there were many cities and civilisations started by different groups of starpeople on the Earth. The Atlantis that Plato wrote about is under the waters we now call the Mediterranean Sea. It was a larger evolution than many of the other places called Atlantis.

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The Many Civilisations on Earth in Atlantean Times

Wanjina, recorded by Australian AboriginalsYalarm explains that there were many races on the Earth; some came and visited, some came on the mission of the Mothership Rexegena (those on the Rexegena were from many galaxies and universes) and some were already on Earth, the reptilians, reptoids, annunaki, etc. Many built civilisations, even civilisations based on love and the human values. Due the Fall of Atlantis, much was lost, and scientists still bump up against the “missing link”. Artefacts and scientific instruments are found that could not have been created by cave-dwellers.

Yalarm continues and explains that soul memory exists in all; it is at the same time an individual soul-memory and a collective soul memory; the indigenous peoples of Australia – and many other nations – have memories of the starpeople being here. Kariong – the place where the starship fell from the Mothership Rexegena – holds memories known by many, in their soul histories. Lion Island is another place of memories. Yalarm also explains a little about the nature of the Angelic Realms and the Angels.

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