The Mystery School – brought together by the Cosmic Hierarchy to explore the origins of man on this planet – (and uncover much of the history of Planet Earth) has been exploring right from the emergence of form from Grand Central Sun of all Universes. Information is given by way of reveire, group discussion (prompted by telepathy and suggestions in the ether), work with The Oracle, and contribution from an occasional member. Concentration brings success to all activity, this is true. Moreover, in the future of human life in the 5th Dimension, working with and trust in higher faculties – as revealed in the last session – will be very important to human self-learning, as well as learning about the role of this planet in this galaxy, in this universe. It has been revealed in times past that many, many life-forms yearn to be born on this planet and live the warm-blooded life and experience the love of family. You can read more about The Mystery School’s explorations of The Dragon Race here.
Egypt and Australia: Part 2 of The King Tut link
The January 2016 meeting of the Mystery School was planned to recover material lost from the earlier session. However, “upstairs” has a plan that more information needs to be uncovered for synthesis to come together about the journey from Egypt to ancient Australia (Lemuria) to be understood, and for this understanding to elicit further from the soul memories of those present. You can read Part 2 of Egypt and Australia: The King Tut Link here.
Power of Women; Races in the Cosmos
The ladies of the Mystery School meet in person once again. Travel can be very far and perhaps, very frequent in this day and age. Valerie is to travel to the south of France (for sacred purposes) soon and the ladies of the Mystery School ask Jalarm how the sessions with The Oracle might continue. The conversation then turns to a recent transmission from Cosmic Sai Baba and the power of women (particularly the power of women in leadership and how this does not lead to conflict and war).
Valerie has questions about the ancient cosmic races in this part of the galaxy and we hear – once again – of Hanuman and the extinct race of Vanara. Jalarm goes on to hint about the link to the hairy-upstanding-ape who went on to become the Hue-man, the one who is filled with light. We also hear of ancient cosmic wars, the Reptilian races, and how this aggressive energy (left-over from the cosmic wars) is still within the human.