Pre Fall of Atlantis: Starpeople visiting and Advanced Knowledge

Lion Island near KariongYalarm tells of the history of Earth and how the Humans were genetically engineered. Before the Fall of Atlantis, there were many races of starpeople coming and going on Earth. Electricity was generated and distributed through grids under the Earth. The grids surrounding the Earth closed up somewhat to prevent the catastrophic energy from going out and affecting other planetary systems and galaxies. This is now loosened to admit the energy from the Source of All; it will raise all life forms on Earth and bring the Golden Age.

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Pre-Atlantis inhabitants on Earth and the 5th Dimension

UnderwaterYalarm (who has come to talk about matters on Earth in Atlantean times) indicates that he once had an (incarnation) on one of the stars in Sirius. Yalarm tells that there are many different races on the stars and planets in this constellation. Light beings can also change their colour. Light is colour, colour is vibration, and light beings may vary their light and vibration; there is a sound which goes with that as well. Time is different in the other dimensions, compared to time as measured by scientists on Earth.

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Life before the Fall of Atlantis

The table with the Oracle of JalarmThere was life on Earth before the fall of Atlantis. Information about this is in the soul histories of many people, and it may also be accessed in the etheric records surrounding this planet. Atlantis fell in a day and a night, 10,500 years ago by our current reckoning of time. (Time on Earth has been reckoned differently in different ages, for there were additional dimensions here on earth. Carbon dating cannot accurately give dates to the 4th dimension and its constructs.)

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