Evolution of Starpeoples, Humans, with the aid of Venusians

Mars atmosphereYalarm tells us that the red-haired mummies in the Great Museum of Cairo had links with the red-haired giants from Mars. The Giants were in Egypt and were called Hathors; they had ears that let them communicate telepathically. They also brought their religious beliefs, ceremonies and rituals with them.

Yalarm goes on to share that the red-haired giants from Mars had a war-like nature and were still evolving. There were many starpeople at different stages of evolution; there were others who were still more evolved and could reach up to the Angelic Realms. The beings from Venus have been helping with the evolution of all the life forms on Earth. They are here, helping now, with love, and will continue to do so. Yalarm tells that Jesus Christ was the Son of the Source of All Creation, and he also, is assisted by the beings from Venus.

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From Venus came many Star Peoples

Venus in UltravioletThe Spirit Being Yalarm and the Oracle continue to provide information about life before the Fall of Atlantis. The Star Peoples from Venus were here, and among them, were Star Peoples from many worlds and even worlds outside of our galaxy. Earth was a veritable United Nations of Star Peoples (or light beings). Yalarm and The Oracle explain some history of our solar system and the astronomy before the Fall of Atlantis. The photograph is Venus in the Ultraviolet, looking from below the South Pole of Venus.

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