Hue-mans (Humans, the beings filled with light – hence, light-beings) live on planet Earth in what is now known as the 3rd and 4th dimension. Humans calibrate these dimensions (including time and light) with the Arabic number system which enables life to be sustained and to flourish – or to fall and diminish – on Earth. This is a cause for deep reflection and heart-felt responses for thought and feeling – together – create the life that is reflected back to us.
Numbers are many things, not simply digits for the accountants and stock markets – although these have critical import and influence. Numbers may refer to other dimensions, and in those dimensions, have distinctive vibration, colour and energy. Numbers may represent and delineate layers in dimensions, and numbers – having different cosmic properties – create both name and form. Names in other dimensions – we have been told – have all of number, vibration, sound and energy. So the cosmic dimension, scope and creativity of numbers have manifold inherent life-creating and sustaining properties, as The Source (God) reveals. Read more about The Cosmic Number 7