Narayana Meeting 17th July 2019

3 Oms and we invite Lord Satya Sai Baba, we welcome and thank him. We also ask our friends from Andromeda to be with us.

We all feel very empty and yet calm and peaceful today.

When Jacqui was setting up Sai Baba’s chair this morning, she had a request from Him for a “cushion” for the chair, which she went and found and put on his chair. Then he asked for a “cloth”! Off she went and found a napkin.

The play had begun!!

He stayed with us for the whole session today, it was very special. Even though we know he is always with us, in our hearts. I don’t know if it had anything to do with it being Guru Purnima.

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The Crystal Light, The Adonis Race

A message is given from a large group of light beings about the Crystal Light within the human, and the future race to emerge on Earth, the Adonis Race. The Crystal Light is given in order that the hairy upstanding ape evolve to the hue-man, the one with the light of Source embedded within. The Adonis Race is emergent with those seeking, choosing to be part of Ascension, the body of humans who will cooperate with the star people and rise to live in peace, harmony, cooperation and understanding with their fellow humans.

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