The Past, the Future and the Young: What world will we create?

uffingtonIn response to a question about one of the forms of the Hierarchy as divine on Earth, Jalarm reminds us that imagination is the “Nation of Images”, and that the Divines take form as appropriate to the needs of the time and place.

The Harmony Sisters (and guest) had been discussing good and evil, the nature of the soul, and human behaviour. The patterns of the soul and the signature of the soul also came into discussion. There was reference to the mini Ice Age around the the time of the Fall of Atlantis and how humans retreated to the caves; Jalarm tells that many were practically lawless when they came out into the Sun again. It seems our young people at times, can be practically lawless also.

Many elders (and parents) have concerns about young people and the lives they create – some writing this off as “teenage rebellion”. However, Jalarm reminds us that the times are changing, the 4th Dimension is here, and attention must be paid to the needs of the young people and they should be encourage to pursue a path of their own that creates a correlation with what is happening on our planet. They are our future. Wisdom and knowledge were imparted by the starpeoples in times past, and it is present and waiting to be exercised by young people, tells Jalarm.

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Role of Indigenous Women; The Earth Mother as a LIVE BEING

wandjinaThe Indigenous peoples of the Earth – Australia in particular – have lost their sacred ceremonies and their rituals, having been torn apart by settlement of whites in their land, Jalarm tells. On a soul level, the indigenous peoples have come together to recover their past and share the knowledge of caring for the people of the West. It is important that mankind understands the need to care for the Earth our Mother, who has a consciousness – along with an important role in balance for the other planets – in the galaxy we call our own.

Jalarm tells that starpeople have been coming and visiting the Earth, even in human form.

The Mystery School discusses the role of women in ancient religions and the masculine and feminine within. It was recalled that as bodies return to the light and evolve higher and higher, they omit gender differences and become androgynous, which is a blending of masculine and feminine. In a subsequent question to Jalarm, the discussion turns to the role and leadership of women in ancient indigenous culture; and their role in holding the tribal groups and society together. Jalarm reminds us that women, whether they hold any power or not, have an important role in holding the social networks together and exercise that.

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Atlantean and Light Societies: Barter, Money, Exchange and Cohesion

pranaavaThe Mystery School assembles with a rare guest; Jalarm (pronounced ❝Yalum❞ ) the Atlantean tells it is an important day and understanding of this will come later. The Mystery School seeks to uncover many aspects of life before the Fall of Atlantis, in order that many will understand the many stories of human life before our recorded history and the researches of archaeologists, geneticists, scientists and anthropologists. While many have pieces of the story, the pieces are incomplete. Pooling different points of view and coming to broad understanding of the mysteries of human life and its origins from multiple sources is one of the important tasks of the Mystery School.

In this session the questions flow quickly about money and barter and how the early Atlantis communities (there were many places called Atlantis) cared for their own and supported one another and ensured all were able to obtain their needs. Jalarm reminds us that different aspects and expressions of divinity exist. Different images of the divine form are expressed to suit those who need those forms. This is was (and still is) an important help for those seeking relations with the Creative Source of All within their own cultural mileau. Minds are different and divinity takes form and shape in accord with the needs of different peoples.

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Cornucopia: life, life forms, and past lives

cornucopiaThe ladies of The Mystery School converse among themselves and consider where, in what past lives, they have known each other. These questions resemble the axles of a wagon, to use a metaphor. For time is different, language is different so many aeons ago, and language in fact, is a vibration, an essence. In earlier transmissions, Jalarm has told us that the word Edin (or A-din as it is pronounced in the 5th dimension) is actually a vibration essence which carries the meaning, “Creation of a beautiful garden”. That “word” is actually a vibration that goes forth and creates. We have much to learn from the subtle nature of language, as Jalarm hints.

To continue the metaphor of the axles on a wagon, in the different worlds of light, roles and functions are different (we could be Angels in other universes!) and we continue to serve that aspect of the Creative Source, maybe a Master of the Hierarchy with which we share a light essence – and we take being, and serve, be it in a light body or in a earthling body of three dimensions. Jalarm hints at a cornucopia of life, be it past lives, light body lives, and lives in schools which assist other souls.

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