Ascension, the Sphinx and Pyramids: the world of Light

Sphinx and Giza PyramidsThe Mystery School has joined together to explore the past – in particular, the Sphinx and Pyramids. There is much background material brought forward to integrate with the history and unfolding given by Jalarm, for the multiple dimensions we have learned of are all connected to this experience called Ascension. We reflect on the latest messages from the Spirit Being – one of the Hierarchy – known as Jalarm.

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Jalarm Speaks – Knowing you have a Soul Blueprint

graduating through changeOn 23 November 2012, the spirit-being known as Jalarm spoke about the changes with the forthcoming solstice of 21 December 2012. The solstice would be the point where others could look back and say, “Yes, the big changes began then”. These changes marked the beginning of the process known as Ascension, the reverting of the human to the state enjoyed before the Fall of Atlantis: living in the 5th dimension, and more. One important element of this is knowing you have a soul blueprint. In this message we look to what has been shared about the Soul Blueprint.

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The Soul Purpose and Healing

The Mystery School continues. Jalarm tells that there is no judgement about how we feel, for in some ways, this is what we came to experience. It is all in our Soul Contract.

Valerie takes up a matter of another person stealing her energy on a soul level. Yet, on the physical level, this person is happy, laughs, jokes and is a friend. It takes much to learn of what is happening, and then, why is it happening? As Ecclesiastes says, ‘To everything there is a season and a purpose’. When a purpose is fulfilled, we move on. The Soul is ever progressing, and our consciousness walks the talk of the Soul Contract and continues the human journey in the spiritual milieu of sunrise, sunset, and life ever-changing, ever-evolving to its highest potential, as Jalarm surprises us with the last word.

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Coming of Warm-blooded Creatures; Navigational Aids.

EarthThe Mystery School has been called together to reveal the history of the Earth and its many civilisations and cultures that have been lost since the Fall of Atlantis. Much information comes from time out of human recorded history, and we are frequently reminded by “upstairs” that time is faster in those dimensions and in fact, due the higher dimensions present on Earth before the Fall of Atlantis – time was both marked differently and a faster dimensional energy that what we Earthlings experience now.

In fact, our carbon dating systems do not detect these multidimensional energies and so do not give an accurate recording nor dating of artefacts. In the Old Empire and in the later times of many civilisations of star-peoples living here on Earth there was DNA sharing among species in order to allow the cold-blooded creatures to experience a warm-blooded life (and the feelings – emotions that go with such a life).

The Mystery School asks about the ancient rock which allowed man to navigate the seas with the aid of rocks and stones that actually held a consciousness that could aid man in navigation. And so the Mystery School furthers its purposes and learns about – and shares – more of our lost history.

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