Sanat Kumara and the 144,000

Chilean skyscopesMany think that the Universe ticks along like clockwork, until they read what our scientists and astronomers discover in the outer regions of our Universe, billions of light years away. Our lives are sourced from the stars. The Mystery School unveils a story of human life which is gifted from those who came from other worlds, other galaxies, other dimensions. They came to make this corner of the Orion Arm of our galaxy a Garden of Eden. Eden, of course is a word that comes from the star-peoples; it carries a vibration essence, that essence-vibration of “creation of a beautiful place, garden, place of harmony and peace”.

After travels, adventures and trials, the Mystery School reconvenes with love – for one another, and for all humankind. Loving-kindness is their goal, loving-kindness for all, as they explore the story of the human – the one the starpeople call “Earthling”, and life before the Fall of Atlantis. Jalarm the Atlantean is present.

On this day, Jalarm answers questions about the multiple sources of human life and the mission of the 144,000 star peoples, what some might call Starseeds. These were all volunteers; they came to enChrist the Crystal light within the hairy up-standing ape and taught them many skills. There were the Pleiadians and the Blue People from Venus – who originally came from many places in the Universe on a voluntary mission to help all beings on Earth.

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Northmen – Norsemen and establishing Light

SupernovaEarlier work by the Mystery School on this day has uncovered surprising links among the creations of the Reptilian races. Upon enquiry about the Beings of Light and the Ascended Ones, the name of the Divine – or Source of All Creation – as used by the Star-peoples is given. One participant in the Mystery School remarks how this is related to the Scandinavian languages. Jalarm asks to speak through Valerie again.

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Name, number, measurement and sacred geometry

geometryJalarm (pronounced Yalarm or Yalum) once again advises that time is measured differently in the Cosmos. Another important aspect of time is in-tuition; information must produce transformation, and transformation takes time. While there is text on a page (as Yalarm tells in this transmission), names and places and people – in the past – still have influence and may ignite this in-tuition process. In today’s transmissions, Jalarm confirms that He is one and the same with Cosmic Sai Baba. This day’s transmissions and the messages of the Oracle, while focussed on the Pharaohs of Egypt and the Upper and Lower Nile, reveal surprising matters about the numbering and geometry systems of the Cosmos.

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666, Venus, and influences on Humans

Yalarm has given a message … from the Angelic Realms, where the Hierarchy reside. The number 666 is said to be evil. This is not so; it is related to the movement of stars and planets, and in particular, the planet Venus. The Humans are enchristed with the Crystal Energy; a work that was done with the majesty and collaboration with the Creative Source of All. At this time – a very serious time on planet Earth – this planet is very subsceptible to influences. Humans have a choice and it is up to them how they will use the energy of this influence. Read more of this message from the Angelic Realms and the Hierarchy, as given by Yalarm.

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