Shadow Planet Transits and the Human Shadow

shadow1aVedic Astrology differs from the popular western sun-sign astrology in that it not only has more to offer, but also shadow planets, known as Ketu and Rahu. These shadow planets are significators of what we cannot see within, but which emerges sporadically, that which is called the shadow self. When shadow planets change signs, the shadow self is evoked.

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Ascension, the Sphinx and Pyramids: the world of Light

Sphinx and Giza PyramidsThe Mystery School has joined together to explore the past – in particular, the Sphinx and Pyramids. There is much background material brought forward to integrate with the history and unfolding given by Jalarm, for the multiple dimensions we have learned of are all connected to this experience called Ascension. We reflect on the latest messages from the Spirit Being – one of the Hierarchy – known as Jalarm.

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Ascension is an inner process

Just as the sunflowers always turn to receive the light, so do we in heart and mind receive the streams of light of the 5th Dimension from the Creative Source of All. And through discarding limited beliefs and choosing to live from the heart, so also, we may spread this light and love to all who exist, making a chain reaction of enlightened beings all living and creating life on the Earth consciously, for the Good of All. We look to exploring further the nature of Ascension and how the energy of the 5th Dimension may be utilised to transform the Earth.

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28 September and the 5th Dimension

September 28Much has been said world-wide about the coming of September 28, 2015 and Ascension, an influx of light, opening of portals, opening of star-gates and the raising of Mother Earth and all who seek the light in their transition. We examine some of this material and break it down into (hopefully) bite sized chunks.

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