The Sphinx, the Lion People (Leonines) and the Sacred Fire of the Source of All Creation

sphinx partially excavatedThe Mystery School turns to questions about the Sphinx and the underground tunnels thought to be there. Through questions to the Oracle, the ladies of the Mystery School make a surprising discovery about an eternal fire, a flame in an underground temple below the Sphinx. The fire is told to be the Soul of the Earth, a Creative Fire from the Creative Source of All.

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Coming of Warm-blooded Creatures; Navigational Aids.

EarthThe Mystery School has been called together to reveal the history of the Earth and its many civilisations and cultures that have been lost since the Fall of Atlantis. Much information comes from time out of human recorded history, and we are frequently reminded by “upstairs” that time is faster in those dimensions and in fact, due the higher dimensions present on Earth before the Fall of Atlantis – time was both marked differently and a faster dimensional energy that what we Earthlings experience now.

In fact, our carbon dating systems do not detect these multidimensional energies and so do not give an accurate recording nor dating of artefacts. In the Old Empire and in the later times of many civilisations of star-peoples living here on Earth there was DNA sharing among species in order to allow the cold-blooded creatures to experience a warm-blooded life (and the feelings – emotions that go with such a life).

The Mystery School asks about the ancient rock which allowed man to navigate the seas with the aid of rocks and stones that actually held a consciousness that could aid man in navigation. And so the Mystery School furthers its purposes and learns about – and shares – more of our lost history.

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Ice Age Mystery

hands around the EarthThe Mystery School had been in recess for some time for many reasons – for each follows their soul blue-print, and each has their duty to home, family, society – and even – the denizens of the various dimenions: Third, Fourth, Fifth and yes, the Sixth Dimension, the place of profound purity of Light and Love.

Some would remember a song, Love makes the world go ’round!, for it rose and rose in the song charts and was mightily popular: an evergreen. This was a 1958 by Ollie Jones, popularized by Perry Como and The Jets. It is love that makes the world go round whatever is happening on the surface of our planet. Some do lose heart and long for days of peace on our home, Mother Earth.

On this day, The Oracle prompts us to recall that all prayer is heard, and accepted; that time spent in prayer, that energy offered up, is taken and used in places of need on our home planet. Jalarm welcomes the return of the ladies who comprise the Mystery School, and asks their questions, offers advise, and gently reminds them to use the Oracle as often as possible.

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Crop Circles of Bird-beings

Phoenix Crop CircleOver the years of Crop Circles being given to the peoples of Earth, some have shown bird-like beings – representations of birds on Earth, and symbols of bird-beings from other galaxies, dimensions and Universes. In this message, we take a look at imagery from crop circles and bird-symbolism from our own civilisations.

There are many crop circles portrayed in this note, and links back to particular parts of the transmission by the Ancient Eagle Woman, particularly about light, language, the language of light and the role of the Bird-like peoples in creation of the Earth.

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