Working with the Highest Point


The Source of All Creation has been compared with a many sided diamond; when you look inside a diamond you do but see more facets of light that appear to expand to infinity. The Source in fact said that if we – or The Source itself were to count all its facets we would run out of zeros. We – and The Source – wouldn’t have enough Zero’s!

Human life – that is life with being, awareness, intellect, consciousness and a higher consciousness is precious. Many were mystified when Sri Sathya Sai Baba told that all life seeks to be born on this planet in this galaxy. The Source went on to say that it is a way of giving many, many people that have form from many different Galactic Races to incarnate with a Soul that have come to this planet to learn to understand each other and to help one another. That is the Agreement they have when they come. However, other shadow is with them also and that needs to fall away before they can come from the purest point of Love. Because the Source of All Creation is the energy of LOVE.

Shakespeare told, “All the world is a play” and The Source confirms: everything that happens here is a play of consciousness which has a reason and a purpose. Many work with The Source; there are others around this planet that are doing exactly the same, they are like the mountain peaks above the clouds. The Source offers a method of working; it is not an easy road. There are many influences on the mind in an earth body. The Source explains that it is a responsibility which requires respect – within and without – to work with The Source itself. An invitation is given to many. You may read the about the recent meeting of the Mystery School and Working with the Highest Point here.

Creation at different levels

modern robotThe Mystery School continues with its questions. Our cars have computers and air-bags, our vacuum cleaners have programmed intelligence and can clean floors without us, our swimming pool cleaners can do the same. There have been robots on assembly lines in manufacturing for many years. The science fiction writers scribe about intelligent robots in the future, and Isaac Asimov penned the three laws of positronic robots (scary, hey?). Kubrik’s movie 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in 1968. We have passed 2001 and many of these scenarios – and more – have become commonplace in our everyday world. The Mystery School asks questions.

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The Human Life-Love, and Pyramids

share lightIn The Mystery School, we have important matters to continue with. Many know of rumours of Star Peoples, and fear the presence of the Star Peoples here on Earth. It is to be understood that many, many Star People do in fact take birth as humans in order to have the experience of family love, to know that warmth of being nurtured, loved, succour and balm, and being loved simply for who you are! The Star Peoples come, live human life and take those experiences and memories and impulses to love with them when they leave the human form.

The Pyramids are the next topic of discussion. We learn that they have an important role for human consciousness and raising of energy levels, as Jalarm shares.

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