Shadow Planet Transits and the Human Shadow

shadow1aVedic Astrology differs from the popular western sun-sign astrology in that it not only has more to offer, but also shadow planets, known as Ketu and Rahu. These shadow planets are significators of what we cannot see within, but which emerges sporadically, that which is called the shadow self. When shadow planets change signs, the shadow self is evoked.

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Ascension is an inner process

Just as the sunflowers always turn to receive the light, so do we in heart and mind receive the streams of light of the 5th Dimension from the Creative Source of All. And through discarding limited beliefs and choosing to live from the heart, so also, we may spread this light and love to all who exist, making a chain reaction of enlightened beings all living and creating life on the Earth consciously, for the Good of All. We look to exploring further the nature of Ascension and how the energy of the 5th Dimension may be utilised to transform the Earth.

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Shortest Lunar Eclipse and Last Red Moon for 3 Years

red moonAustralians will have less than five minutes to see a total lunar eclipse on Easter Saturday – or face a wait of nearly three years for the next one. The moon is due to pass through the edge of the earth’s shadow late on April 4 and turn a shade of red, orange or brown.The Sydney Observatory say totality will begin at 10.58pm (AEDT) and finish at 11.03pm, making it the briefest this century.

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Spirituality transcends Chaotic Nodes

When water is boiled, bubbles rise to the surface; when water continues to boil, a roiling boil ensues; where the atoms will move to becomes unpredictable, and the surface of the water roils. In these times of transformation to the 5th Dimension – the return of humanity to its state before the Fall of Atlantis, that which is not proper for true humanness comes to the surface and is witnessed. Chaotic nodes are like that; unpredictable behaviour and events occur which dismay us.We are witnessing the transformation of all to the 5th Dimension.

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