It’s been a long time… Covid lockdowns.
We open with 3 Oms.
3 Oms and our opening prayer asking Satya Sai Baba to bless our meeting and guide us. Giving thanks and gratitude for our many blessings. We surrender our earth selves to our Godselves this day. Please keep the energies clear and concise. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
GOD lets us know he is present.
GOD (through Valérie): I am very pleased to be here this day. And to welcome the three of you that are working together. We are very pleased that these meetings are taking place for we want to work with you, you have much to do, but that will evolve as time moves on. For the moment that is all we have to say. We are pleased this meeting is taking place and be aware, be aware. Thank you.
We then meditate in order to receive a message each silently. We are here in service.
We all had a strong sense of connecting with Andromeda, a strong sense of focus and urgency – but not urgency?? Strong – really strong white light coming down in a spiral, coming close. It was like they wanted us to push back from our side, to communicate and be totally focused. It felt like an anchoring, connecting to make the channel strong.
We ask for a message as a starting point – to begin.
Dai comes through (the fourth person – the one holding the space). He also came through in June 2020 (Daiku). He says YES!! He is holding the Light – that is his role. Energy, vibration, frequency is changing and moving all the time. Always moving forward. Sometimes it runs into cross lines, it has to do with the past and the future, that is the time for change to really jump and it has a lot to do with consciousness, whether it harkens forward or harkens back. Its not a time for taking sides, it’s a time for choice. He says there is advanced technology that is helping us and that he has been appointed by the hierarchy to work with us. Thank you.
I must share this; Dai in his previous Earth life had been married to our beautiful Jill. Darrell was his name. He was her rock. A very moderate, quiet, strong, reliable, supportive man.
The story of his passing is very beautiful. They had had lunch in their kitchen, had a cup of tea. He was showered and dressed ready to go to an appointment. Looking good. His kids had just bought him a walker, a mobile seat (he was 96??), he sat on it, probably for the first time, said he was feeling a bit wobbly. Then as he was looking ahead, peaceful, he looked at Jill and said, “I have to say goodbye”. No fear, she hugged him, told him to go to the Light, they’re all waiting for you, it’ll be alright, with that he closed his eyes and was gone. He was back to full (eternal) consciousness.
What a wonderful passing.
There are so many people with a fear of death, and Darrell was too, during his life, and was frightened of dying and didn’t mind talking about it. But, at the end, shall we say, he really did see the Light and moved forward to meet it and has been powering on ever since. No separation. No fear.
We meditate again, to get back on track.
Jacqui sees very clearly the word “BOOK” – very strong. Val at the moment has been asked by the hierarchy from Andromeda M31 to write a book about the Earth’s creation and is including some of our early channelling. We often immediately forget what we have channelled (unless we record it) as we’re working in a different dimension. She remarks how interesting it is… I need to have a look!
But I feel it’s more than that. My hand has been automatically writing in some sort of star language as we have been speaking. Later I translated it, recognising symbols that have come through previously. They are telling us “flying heart connection, man-made, biological, expansive communication. Divine. Will send info – all that is needed will be contained”. I am shocked to realise what I write is actually a language! It often comes out in my paintings as well.
YES – upstairs confirm. There will be another book.
They let us know that they are happy that we are willing to be working very closely with them, there is much work to do. They’re asking us not to ask too many questions at this time. We need to prepare ourselves, the energy field is not as clear as it could be.
Today was a very tight meeting. Very ordered. We made an agreement to do the work and set parameters. Dai is also now in our group (with Anna, Val and Daina) as a facilitator.
Three Oms, Shanti Shanti Shanti and we close the meeting.
Candle image by Public Co from Pixabay