We open with 3 Oms.
We call upon Cosmic Sai Baba to make his presence, and we are here to serve, we offer ourselves in service to the Mystery School, and we are connecting to Andromeda. We surrender our ego so we can pass on messages from Andromeda, if they so choose.
GOD lets us know he is present and that he has a message for us.
Cosmic Sai Baba as channelled by Valérie: I am here, I am very pleased to be here. You were wondering about balance and different energies which flow clockwise and anti-clockwise, both work together, and interact and integrate. There is a lot of change happening upon your planet Earth, and for this reason the energies are changing on the planet itself. It is .. er .. something that happens with the raising of consciousness and raising of energy upon the planet, and I would remind you that it is 8th of the 8th, 2021. This day, and eight of course, is infinity and two circles joined together, and that is exactly what we are experiencing right now. And when I say “we”, I mean me, through Valerie’s body and the differences where you girls from Andromeda as well. We are all coming from Andromeda this morning and I would like to make it clear that er the energy and the capabilities and the ability of technology is not limited at all. We are far advanced of any scientists that are upon your planet Earth at this time. So this will be a little hard for scientists to accept but it is real and we are willing to come and talk, because it is time that everyone upon this planet Earth knows that Star-people exist, they have always existed and in actual fact, everyone upon this Earth has part of the star worlds in them. You could say that the stars are their mother, for that is the influence that has happened, it has always happened. In many ways, it’s a long story, but it’s part of the evolvement of your planet Earth. So I want to re-assure you that a balance is taking place and it is quite strong this day. I will take my leave but I am here. Thankyou.
Valerie goes on to say:
With the earth, nothing is standing still, nothing, what we were 2 minutes ago is gone and although everything is happening at the same time, there is no division with time or distance. This is to do with consciousness. So depending on the different layers of consciousness that exist and where we are tapping into to, and there are only certain layers of consciousness that can exist on this planet in communication with other worlds because there are limitations with the people on the earth because they come from so many different places its not a level playing field which is the crystal consciousness.
She goes on to ask at what level of consciousness or dimension we are operating (as a group doing the channelling?) … they tell yes, we are operating in the eighth dimension.
Separation is all in our minds – what level does that operate at? Focus and Intention – that simple.
We went on to speak about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and the Philadelphia experiment. Moving through different dimensions and yet the focus wasn’t fully understood or held.
We need to break away from our consciousness that’s there with our brain all the time, not going against our brain but our consciousness that comes from the Source of Creation, our Over Soul (or higher self) consciousness. That is where we need to be – to focus with intent. We need to practice and aim, so that nothing distracts us…and we can create. However on the opposite side, we can create with our mind jumping all over the place, that’s why the world’s in a bit of a mess, because we’re not focusing together and achieving, which we can do, we could fix this planet quickly and easily because we are all from the Source. Some get a bit lost and do bad things but we can’t judge them, they are just lost, they’ve forgotten who they really are.
Jacqui had heard on a quiz program that the Earth originally had twenty moons and they 19 of those were absorbed into the one moon. She asked for some clarity of this (we had previously been told the Earth had originally two moons – all a matter of when.. I suppose)
Sai Baba wants to speak
CSB as channelled by Valérie: I am here and there’s a bit of confusion and understanding about the moons and the Earth planet. It is true that the heirachy from Andromeda first arranged to have the planet Earth created and so they drew from other asteroids that were broken up within the asteroid belt and started to bring those together and also within the solar system that needed a moon to help the magnification of energy so they would interact with and should we say capture the sun’s rays and influence Earth. Everything is energy remember. Everything is energy. It might be a little hard to accept that but what I am saying is true. It was created because the planet that was in the same place in the cosmic order of the solar system was a planet called Maldec and that was destroyed, there were star wars before upon your universe and Maldec was destroyed. And so there needed to be a planet to replace that evolvement of planets that were within your solar system and so to say that the moon was made up of 20 moons, which of course in a way it was, but not quite the way you would perceive. It came from other stars, it came from different elements that were in the universe. Hard for me to explain totally but it did come together and what was created was a moon with the magnification that was able to hold the balance between the moon and the earth, and they have interacted ever since it was created which was billions of years ago.
Is there a question you want to ask about that?
Jacqui asks – it was our understanding there were two moons around the Earth – can you tell us about that?
Sai Baba responds
Well the second moon that you speak of was not all that long ago. It was say 200,000 years ago – it was the time of Atlantis. There were scientists that felt they would actually like another moon to act as a sort of jumping off point from earth to that moon and then out to other worlds. Scientists from the Pleiades did try to warn them and said it would be dangerous because it would have interfered with the magnification that I am speaking about, and that it could break away and come into the earth and destroy the earth and unfortunately it was allowed to happen and it did break away and almost destroy the planet Earth. That was the fall of Atlantis which is described in many different ways and created a very different Earth in the way it was structured, changes took place all over the planet. It almost died. It had to be contained it was disrupted in so many ways. It has been given in the book Valerie was given when holding the sacred Alcheringa stone, which had come from the stars – to talk about that – that memory which was only about 12,000 years ago actually, which is not very long in evolutionary time. And so it fell and the earth fell in dimensions, so much so that it has been climbing out, back up and repairing itself ever since. That is what it’s all about, bringing new energy onto the planet earth to allow it to heal. Unfortunately that has been interfered with because man still does not honour the planet and the earth and the energy that exists within it to hold it in one place and to actually assist its evolutionary climb back into where it was before.
Before this happened, before this second moon crashed into the planet Earth, that was around the plateau, Puerto Rico in the Caribbean. ??…It has been found now by scientists. Any questions?
The Starlady book by Valerie Barrow, Part 2 and Part 3 gives understanding to the information Sai Baba gave regarding the Fall of Atlantis.
And the Alcheringa Book is the memory of many humans remembering being “star People” (hundreds of the,) talking about the same event when the Australian Indigenous people remember being the first humans and how that happened nearly 1 million years ago.
We start to speak of Edgar Cayce and Atlantis and Valerie interjects:
There is a bit of confusion because Atlantis is often referred to as a place of time in a static system?… it was just a disruptive, destructive time that happened on our planet that the angelic realms had to move in and contain it. It had an unseen net around it to hold the atmosphere and so they had to tighten that, to stop it going out and influencing the rest of ??? – it was contained and the earth was left to its own devices, and all people on it, as I said there were star people travelling back and forth on this planet for millions of years before that, not necessarily the earth humans or the earth animal. They were actually just visitors or they even created civilisations here , we have been told that before Atlantis fell, the earth was so busy and so civilised, shall we say, that it was very much like it is now… you could call that the time of Atlantis. There is disagreement as to where Atlantis itself was, but there are/were many places all around the planet. When it was destroyed (even though they had been warned by scientists from other planets) they ignored that and it was allowed to take place, so the heirachy from the angelic realm – it was allowed to evolve so that they could learn from it. 12,000 years is not very long in evolutionary terms but it did fall at that time – it actually split tectonic plates, earth was drawn together more. The earth and the sea were in different places. Volcanoes were going off, earthquakes were moving – all that disruption within the heart of the planet itself and also the balance was off, now its trying to come back into balance because originally it was aligned with the core of suns that lead back to the Source of all Creation.
WE went on to ask if our planet was aligned with the core of suns …. We’re not quite there yet was the answer from Sai Baba. We were also told very strongly that something would bring us back into line soon. (what is “soon” in evolutionary terms?) We go on talking about how the Earth is trying to re-calibrate – A big YES!
Just as a by the by… Valerie was talking about the Adonis race and how they came here to use human DNA in their foetuses to provide people that come to Earth to help this planet. In the way that that they could merge with our society and be of service, with advanced technology and disease control. Will have to investigate more.
Valerie Barrow is so full of interesting information – Look up her website valeriebarrow.com. I would like to upload the videos of our sessions… so much information that is not a part of channelling.
There is nothing to fear. Love and help are at hand. There are many hands holding the light, even though we are struggling on the planet at the moment.