Narayana Oracle Meeting Wednesday 26th May 2021


We open with 3 Oms
We call on Lord Satya Sai Baba (Swami) to be with us for guidance and direction, we call on our friends in Andromeda to join us, as well as St Germaine of the Violet Flame.

God tells us he is present.

Swami tells us “BE AWARE OF GOD”.

Once again, I ask Swami should we continue with the Oracle (is it my lack of ability to channel clearly? Are the messages just beyond our comprehension in this dimension??). He tells us to keep going. YES.

Jac: Is there something I can do to improve the situation?
Sai: Yes… Be Aware of God
Sai: Why are you worried?? (have no fear – I am here)

Jac: I’m not worried, just that the universe is so multilayered, so complex. Hard to understand. I need some clarity.

Swami connects us with Andromeda. We meditate.
I feel like there are five people today with us from Andromeda – as though they are leaning over a balcony, greeting us warmly.

Jac: Do you have a message for us, for the Oracle?

Andromeda: Love all – serve all. Help others. Everything will be ok.

And they tell us they like the white rose bud that we have on the table! I felt very guided to pick that particular rose this morning.

They are letting us know we are being helped and watched over with love.

(I feel like they’re getting closer, the light is getting brighter, both Jill and I enjoy the warmth of the light) I get the feeling that there are seven of us sitting in a circle – 5 (including Adam, Andromeda Val, Anna and Daina, plus someone I can’t quite make out, a male) from Andromeda and Jill and I. Seven in total.

I feel the message is about working together, spreading the Love and spreading the Light. There is only LOVE.

The light in this world (Earth) is becoming more intense.

I ask will I ever see the woman “Andromeda” again in this life time – they say Yes. This time I will be prepared.

Don’t worry – be happy. It will all unfold in its own time. Trust in God. There is a plan. The master plan is in place, we just have to go through the darkness to get to the other side.

Is there anything we can do to help? No
What about prayer – Yes – it is helpful to pray.
What about meditation? Yes


We close our circle, with thanks to Satya Sai Baba, our friends in Andromeda, St Germaine and all other beings that joined with us today. 3 Oms.

This all sounds so simple, just think of God, meditate, Trust. Serve others. It would be simple in a simple world. We live in this Earth world full of media, hype, persuasion, demands, restrictions, lack, glut, all of it is illusion. And that is the challenge. Swami is letting us know, believe in yourself, you planned this life to learn certain lessons for your soul’s growth and to help others. You have all the help in the Universe available to you if you seek it out and ask. Free Will. Trust in God, it is simple if you let it be. Surrender. Love all (put judgement away) and by helping someone else, you help yourself. Everyone in the world needs love and kindness, it will come back to you tenfold, in unseen ways.