Unleash the Beauty and Benefits of Shatkona: A Path to Inner Peace and Harmony


Shatkona, the ancient Indian symbol of balance and harmony, has been a significant aspect of Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism for centuries. This sacred symbol in Indian architecture and geometry represents the cosmic balance of the universe and the unity of male and female energies. In this informative article, we’ll delve into the definition, significance, and practical ways of incorporating Shatkona into our daily lives for a path to inner peace and harmony.

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Prajapathi Peyarchi: The Transit of Uranus

On April 7, 2017, Uranus will enter the constellation of Aries. During 2016, Uranus was in Aries until December 29 when it retrograded into Pisces for four months. It is now in Aries until June 2015. In Vedic Astrology, planets have planetary deities, and the deity for Uranus is Prajapathi, the world creator. So we may speak of the transit (peyarchi) of Uranus (Prajapathi) to the sign of Aries.

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