Codes of Life: Divine Fire and Editing DNA

aegyptThe Mystery School continues with the new CURRICULUM, open to the nation of images (and feeling), and seeking the questions which elicit learning and understanding of the new dimensions. Their learning also includes the prehistory of Earth and awareness of the journey to the higher dimensions, the 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions and so forth. In this session, the third question is answered – which addresses the history and actual creation of this planet – with some surprising connections to what is happening on Earth in this day and age with the editing and placement of genes in cells. You can read this session of the Mystery School here (opens in new window).


Astrology: A Tryptych of Eclipses

My Dear,
you ask what is the meaning of this solar eclipse – and more importantly – you tell this happens on your birthday. While the eclipse is not visible in the USA (nor India) (nor Australia) the energy is present and will have some impact on all our lives. In your instance, due this occurring on your birthday, there is an occlusion of light within (it will brief) and the revelation and giving of new light in your life. As Jesus said, “Do not hide your light under a bushel; let your light shine on the hill so it will shine before men”. And this is what this eclipse will be giving to you. Planets do the tasks allocated to them by the kalapurusha, the Lord of Time and Space. 

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The Original University

earthlightThe ladies of The Mystery School commence working with The Oracle and uncover their roles as teachers in a Universal school, perhaps like an Original University. Where the experience and feeling in this universe becomes our teacher. The ladies of the Mystery School are given tasks to reflect upon and discuss in common. The Source (God) gives a teaching that each and every explanation has to be given, for people think differently, listen differently and imagine differently. Light is reflected in a different manner in all minds. Hence, the need for multiple points of view when teaching and understanding of the life on Earth. You can visit The Mystery School website and read about the work of the Mystery School and the teachers learning. (opens in new window)

Intent: Living in the Now

intentThe ladies of The Mystery School take up their task as teachers in The Universal School, where all mystery schools lead to. In this universe, all life is offered whatever it seeks on the journey home to the source of their being, that original mystery from which we all emerge: source energy itself. Intent is very important – as we ascend to the world of light, our intent creates in the light NOW. The Source (God) takes up the narrative and explains how living in the now, even the nano second, is the way home. (And it can be a way of fun and laughter, the Source suggests.) You may read about this work on The Mystery School website: Intent and Living in the Now. (opens in new window)