Paradise: The End of the Dinosaurs and the rise of Christ Energy

The Source (God) continues to answer the questions of the participants in The Mystery School. In order to know our future and the energies the Earth is moving into – along with all that live upon Her – we must learn the history of Earth’s past and why older energies – such as that of the Dinosaurs – must be dispersed. The new energy is the 5th Energy, the energy that is coming from the suns aligned with the core of suns reaching back to the Creative Source of the All. It is from here that the Christ energy is flooding on the Earth. You may read more here.


The Arcturians, The Process of Your Transformation

Much is happening with Ascension, and the Angelic Realms (Cosmic Sai Baba, Jalarm, Alcheringa, Archangel Mikael) all advise that many have come to render the Earthling assistance with transformation to the higher dimensions. We have also been told that the soul may download new paths and new energies to integrate into the existing earthling body. Much transformation is at hand, and often we are asked to let go of that which we thought we were, in order to become that which we could be in the Golden Age, the era of humankind living in peace – one with another – and living in peace with their brothers and sisters from the Stars. The Arcturians offer insight and strategies in order that one and all may progress on the path of Ascension.

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2017 Autumnal Equinox

The Autumnal Equinox occurs on March 20th, 2017 at 21:29 hours in the late evening. If you live below the Equator, this will be the Autumnal Equinox; if you live above the Equator, then you will welcome the Spring Equinox. This equinox comes at a time when there is much energy astir on the Earth. The future of humanity rests in the hands and minds of those would create a future of peace, harmony, co-operation and mutual understanding.

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Reflections on Holograms and Ascension

Beings in the Angelic Realms and from other, higher dimensions teach the Earthling that all this world is illusion, a holographic illusion of light. The ancient r’shis who “heard” the Vedas spoke of a “glamour of the Atma” meaning that the Soul itself has created all that is seen and felt in our personal worlds. In this article two differing perceptions are offered about Ascension for Gaia, and that which occurred on 21 December 2012. Here we offer material for reflection and personal understanding about Ascension and its progress.

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