The Universal Number 13

The Mystery School, through the work of The Oracle and Jalarm the Atlantean have passed back information that before the fall of Atlantis, astrology was a very precise science which advised parents about the qualities and capabilities of their children, and the life paths of their children. We have learned that in ancient times there was a 13th Sign in the 360° cirlce of the zodiac. This sign was known by name spider or “Arachne“. The new generation star children, known as the Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children, are born under this sign. Also, many torch-bearers of the Golden Age on Earth were born under the aupsices of this 13th sign.

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Astrology and Obesity

obese man

Obesity is a matter of public health concern. The World Health Organisation says that obesity is a disease. What is obesity, what drives obesity and what does Vedic Astrology have to say about obesity? What is our body, what is the constitution of the body and how is this determined. There are many questions surrounding obesity and the cultural signals which give rise to this. In this article we look at some matters surrounding this topic.

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The September Equinox

Stonehenge at Equinox

The Full Moon of September 9 has passed; the Earth moves on towards the next new moon, which will be a time of changes in our skies, our seasons and the planets. Depending on where you are on this planet, the Fall equinox arrives on September 23 – or it may be the Vernal Equinox, which hails Spring in the other hemisphere. In this post, we look to changes and consider the 4th Dimension.

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Reflections: The Moon, the Mind and the 4th Dimension

Super Moon, Canberra

Astrology and the Vedas teach that the Moon is the presiding deity of the Mind. The 4th Dimension is known through the mind. It is the mind that perceives this world, and it is the mind that cloaks the world with illusion. Many live in their own self-created world views. The recent series of Super Moons raises questions about the Moon and its energies, aspects and functions as shown in Astrology. How does the Moon provide a pathway to the 4th Dimension in astrology?

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