The Blue Gods

blue buddhaThe ladies of the Mystery School meet again during the dry month of January. There are questions about the blue-coloured depictions of the Gods in many civilisations. Jalarm shares that those how have access to the higher vision by way of their lifestyle and austerities can see things as they actually are, in addition to vision of higher octaves of colour and vibration. Everything is energy, and sound and colour are of the same vibration; a creative vibrationary essence. It is well known that the ancient Rishis of India had access to higher dimensions of existence. Jalarm describes the higher forms of life – human life.

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The Soul Purpose and Healing

The Mystery School continues. Jalarm tells that there is no judgement about how we feel, for in some ways, this is what we came to experience. It is all in our Soul Contract.

Valerie takes up a matter of another person stealing her energy on a soul level. Yet, on the physical level, this person is happy, laughs, jokes and is a friend. It takes much to learn of what is happening, and then, why is it happening? As Ecclesiastes says, ‘To everything there is a season and a purpose’. When a purpose is fulfilled, we move on. The Soul is ever progressing, and our consciousness walks the talk of the Soul Contract and continues the human journey in the spiritual milieu of sunrise, sunset, and life ever-changing, ever-evolving to its highest potential, as Jalarm surprises us with the last word.

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Creation at different levels

modern robotThe Mystery School continues with its questions. Our cars have computers and air-bags, our vacuum cleaners have programmed intelligence and can clean floors without us, our swimming pool cleaners can do the same. There have been robots on assembly lines in manufacturing for many years. The science fiction writers scribe about intelligent robots in the future, and Isaac Asimov penned the three laws of positronic robots (scary, hey?). Kubrik’s movie 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in 1968. We have passed 2001 and many of these scenarios – and more – have become commonplace in our everyday world. The Mystery School asks questions.

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Free Will Planet; Experience and Discernment

sacred earthThe Mystery School continues its discussions and talk around the subject of free will. It does seem that we have free will, yet, from other perspectives there are events that are pre-ordained. A need to reflect on free will and the purposes of taking birth, and the matter of soul-blueprints is considered.

It is time.

It is now that the forces of light and dark come very close, and there is an apparent need – as the Mystery School experiences on this day – to use discernment, spiritual sense and common sense about the materials that are being channelled. As the forces of light and dark are pushed towards one another, the presence of beings not of the light, confusion, obfuscation comes to light workers. What to do.

We need clarity and common sense with the material coming through, be it channelling, automatic writing, use of a sanctified oracle. We may evaluate the material using our cultivated and long established spiritual intelligence. As the ladies of the Mystery School discover, mischievous elements may interfere with matters …

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