King Arthur, King Solomon and the travels of the Knights Templar

indigenous rock art of Northern Territory suggesting contact with Europeans before settlement
The Ladies of the Mystery School have convened; some are in Australia; another is in France. And the wonders of modern technology – the software called Skype – enables the Mystery School to continue to operate. Jalarm tells that is of a critical significance – for we imagine that we are in fact separated by time and space (this was in fact the case, it was morning in Australia and 1AM in France when the meeting took place).

Jalarm teaches both the ladies of the Mystery School and YOU, the Reader, that time and space are but illusions of the mind and we are all connected, everywhere, everywhen. Jalarm goes on to teach a simple method of clearing – for when there is interference when we are doing any kind of soul work, we feel tired, disturbed, disjointed. And so YOU, the Reader, will read your message from Jalarm in this session.

Valerie and her husband John have travelled to France on soul work – their work is not for themselves but for the welfare of humanity in these times of Ascension. While the questions focus on the connections between the King Arthur legends and the narratives of the Knights Templar and their connections to the Aboriginal Peoples of Australia, there are deeper soul messages within the reading.

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The Soul in the Human

Soul and Vitruvian ManIn the work of the Mystery School we have learned of the pre-history of the human, and the history of how this Earth-planet came to be. Everything that is here has been brought from somewhere else. In the earlier days, the atmosphere was less dense, and the Earth was colder; it was moved into its present orbit, and the satellite called Moon was brought here to provide energies, balances and to preside over the mind.

We have also learned in The Mystery School via Jalarm and The Oracle of how the Bird-beings were instrumental in bringing life here, how there were dragons on land in in water, how the manatees gave milk from their teats to the warm-blooded beings that were born from them. Today we learn about the Soul, that all beings born here – all life forms, Jalarm confirms – are enchristed within with the Soul, the Christ-light, the crystal light within. There are some forms of star-people coming and going that do not have this enchristed light within. We also learn about Moses in Egypt.

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The Blue Gods

blue buddhaThe ladies of the Mystery School meet again during the dry month of January. There are questions about the blue-coloured depictions of the Gods in many civilisations. Jalarm shares that those how have access to the higher vision by way of their lifestyle and austerities can see things as they actually are, in addition to vision of higher octaves of colour and vibration. Everything is energy, and sound and colour are of the same vibration; a creative vibrationary essence. It is well known that the ancient Rishis of India had access to higher dimensions of existence. Jalarm describes the higher forms of life – human life.

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The Soul Purpose and Healing

The Mystery School continues. Jalarm tells that there is no judgement about how we feel, for in some ways, this is what we came to experience. It is all in our Soul Contract.

Valerie takes up a matter of another person stealing her energy on a soul level. Yet, on the physical level, this person is happy, laughs, jokes and is a friend. It takes much to learn of what is happening, and then, why is it happening? As Ecclesiastes says, ‘To everything there is a season and a purpose’. When a purpose is fulfilled, we move on. The Soul is ever progressing, and our consciousness walks the talk of the Soul Contract and continues the human journey in the spiritual milieu of sunrise, sunset, and life ever-changing, ever-evolving to its highest potential, as Jalarm surprises us with the last word.

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