A Thoughtful ANZAC Day

pwlhANZAC Day in Australia was first observed in 1916; it is a joint celebration by Australia and New Zealand of the sacrifices paid in a theatre of war on the beaches of Turkey. It has since evolved into a trans-Tasman commemoration of all who love and serve the motherland in times of international conflict, and paid the ultimate price. It also acknowledges those who continue to serve, and continue to suffer when they return home. All war is horrible, and Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder spares no-one. One of our regular writers here – Chris Parnell – shared his experience of ANZAC Day with Valerie Barrow. It seems to be related to the cycles of transformation and the coming 5th Dimension.

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The Disappearance of the Mayans, the Akashic Records

kulkulanThe phenomena of the pyramids in Mexico, Kulkucán, Chicken Itza and other places raises many questions about ancient civilisations. The Mystery School turned to the Aztec and Mayan Civilisation and the Mayan Calendar which is sometimes (incorrectly) called the Aztec calendar. The question of sacrifices at the pyramids is also explored.

We also learn of how memories of an event are left at the place of the event, and that a total record of the activities of all souls on Earth – and the Earth’s soul – are kept at the Sphinx in Egypt, and these records can be accessed. These records are popularly known as the Akashic Records. They have other names, also. More information about the 5th Dimension is shared. You can read more about the pyramids, the Mayans and Aztec’s, the Sphinx records and the 5th Dimension here.

Shadow Planet Transits and the Human Shadow

shadow1aVedic Astrology differs from the popular western sun-sign astrology in that it not only has more to offer, but also shadow planets, known as Ketu and Rahu. These shadow planets are significators of what we cannot see within, but which emerges sporadically, that which is called the shadow self. When shadow planets change signs, the shadow self is evoked.

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