2017 Autumnal Equinox

The Autumnal Equinox occurs on March 20th, 2017 at 21:29 hours in the late evening. If you live below the Equator, this will be the Autumnal Equinox; if you live above the Equator, then you will welcome the Spring Equinox. This equinox comes at a time when there is much energy astir on the Earth. The future of humanity rests in the hands and minds of those would create a future of peace, harmony, co-operation and mutual understanding.

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The 5th Dimension and Spiritual Common Sense

If one takes the perspective of non-duality, then the entire physical universe is illusory in nature, a holographic projection of light. Your physical body is also a light body and is part and parcel of a greater hologram we call the cosmos. So, there are streams of light that connect you to the universe as well as to the highest realms of light. These connections between you, the cosmos and the realms of light are part of your innate nature. These connections have been growing stronger since 21 December 2012. In this article we look to spiritual common sense and how this may aid accessing the higher dimensions.

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Productive Conflict – how conflict may have a positive outcome


If you were to visit Cosmic Sai Baba’s website and read the transmissions given by Cosmic Sai Baba, you would find many references to weapons, and how in the future, humans would sit down and have a discussion about their differences. They would agree to disagree, and would not raise a weapon against another. This is the forthcoming peace of all humanity on this planet and it is nearer than most would imagine or conceive. This is lived reality that awaits us in the 5th and 6th Dimensions.

We bring you an article below from a respected print magazine which has been in circulation for over hundred years. The author, Amanda Quraishi, was a recent revert to Islam shortly before the ugly events of 9/11 and has since been involved in significant interfaith activity in her nation for many years. Recent events sullied her experience; however, Amanda Quraishi has found that discussion of conflict and topics that may lead to conflict can and do – more frequently – have positive outcomes.

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Sleepwalking through the Shift to the 5th Dimension

sliipwalkThere were many who expected, there were many who woke up on the day of December 21st, 2012, believing the Mayan Elder prophecy would come true, thus bringing the planet into a higher state of consciousness. In fact, many books, movies, and articles were written about this. On December 22nd, 2012, some claimed that the 5th dimension was here.

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