Narayana Oracle – Our Last Meeting with Valerie Barrow

It’s been a long time since our last session in November, 2019. Bushfires, floods, Corona Virus!! 6 months.

VB: With great love and respect we are calling upon Cosmic Sai Baba to be with us and God the Creator of all, which we understand are the same, to be here to guide us. We are here to serve and we welcome their presence.

Who is present? GOD. [Very strong today!]

We joke between ourselves – It’s been a long time! Yes! (they “upstairs” say) Much laughter. Our unseen friends are here already.

God asks to speak through Valerie.

Valerie Barrow channels GOD: I am God, and I am everything and everywhere. There are words to describe that but that’s basically what it is. It is creation. Creation can come in many ways. It can come from thought, it can come from energies that are attracted to one another and change form. That is creation. It is love for that can also be created upon your planet Earth. Just by being a light being and from your heart, the energy coming from that can attract another and another, and another and very quickly spread around your planet Earth and so .…. there is the opposite as well and that is to help with understanding, to lead away from old ways and open a door to new ways, and that is what is happening upon your planet at this time.

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Narayana Meeting 17th July 2019

3 Oms and we invite Lord Satya Sai Baba, we welcome and thank him. We also ask our friends from Andromeda to be with us.

We all feel very empty and yet calm and peaceful today.

When Jacqui was setting up Sai Baba’s chair this morning, she had a request from Him for a “cushion” for the chair, which she went and found and put on his chair. Then he asked for a “cloth”! Off she went and found a napkin.

The play had begun!!

He stayed with us for the whole session today, it was very special. Even though we know he is always with us, in our hearts. I don’t know if it had anything to do with it being Guru Purnima.

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