The Showing en-masse: The Star Ships, the Star People

The Mystery School joins together once again and draws upon the sacred energies to hold a space wherein their time, talents and resources are offered to The Source – the Creative Source of the All, often called GOD – so that understanding and explanations come forth and mankind can take up its true heritage among the United Planetary Nations. In this session, questions about The Showings en-masse are answered, along with reminders about light bodies, the Man and the Human, who has the light within. You can read more here in the Mystery School.


Archangel Mikael Speaks


Readers of the Cosmic Sai Baba transmissions will know that Archangel Mikael made his presence on the 3rd January 2017 – the day we normally receive a Transmission from Cosmic Sai Baba. Cosmic Sai Baba advised telepathically that he did not have a message that day but there was another who wished to speak. It was Archangel Mikael saying he would like to speak at the Conference Valerie Barrow (the medium) was going to address at Byron Bay, NSW on 16th January, 2017. A transcript of the Annunciation of Archangel Mikael is now given.

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