The University called Andromeda

These are times of challenge and change where one has to keep in touch with the energy of the Source in order to stay grounded in what is rapidly becoming a topsy-turvy solar system. This is evident in the energies sensed by the Ladies of the Mystery School as they come together in service of ALL. The Source goes on to reveal the University of Andromeda where many beings are in spirit learning to assist the Earthling. The magenta energy-colouration of Andromeda is also related by The Source.
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United Planetary Nations: The Message

In the Mystery School, the Source (God) continues to speak through the Oracle. Just as there are dimensions the human eye cannot perceive, so also, there are beings – here on Earth – that we are unable to see. There are beings from the star worlds helping the earthling as we write. Many are Light Workers, and many will Ascend to be light workers also. The message of the Source and the message of the United Planetary Nations is a message of Love, a message of reassurance: all are ONE with the Source of the Creation of the All. Hence, there is no reason to have fear. You may read more here.


The Burden of a Soul

We have been told – from the Angelic Realms, a place of no limit – that the soul somewhat resembles a Christmas ball. It is self-effulgent, and a spark of the Creative Source of the All. Our true nature is pure light. We were asked “Can a soul be destroyed?”. We took the question to the Source of the Creation of All, and received information which illumated different activities of the soul.

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