Astrology: A Tryptych of Eclipses

My Dear,
you ask what is the meaning of this solar eclipse – and more importantly – you tell this happens on your birthday. While the eclipse is not visible in the USA (nor India) (nor Australia) the energy is present and will have some impact on all our lives. In your instance, due this occurring on your birthday, there is an occlusion of light within (it will brief) and the revelation and giving of new light in your life. As Jesus said, “Do not hide your light under a bushel; let your light shine on the hill so it will shine before men”. And this is what this eclipse will be giving to you. Planets do the tasks allocated to them by the kalapurusha, the Lord of Time and Space. 

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The ‘almost-eclipse’ and Earth Honouring

almostLooking to the trio of eclipses during August-September of 2016, we note several important issues having some impact during this period. Saturn will station and turn direct on the day of the August eclipse. The Sun will also change signs and move into Leo on the day before the August eclipse and will be at strength. Jupiter has moved into Virgo and Mercury gets ready to change signs. The stage is set for the “non-visible” eclipse of August 18.

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Juno arrives at Jupiter

junojupiterAstronomers and scientists are excited: Juno will reach Jupiter at lunchtime on July 5 (AEST) having travelled almost 3 billion km in 5 years. Jupiter is like a time capsule of the early solar system – its inner structure will reveal how planets form. During 37 orbits Juno will study the planet’s structure, gravity and magnetic field. Looking at this event from Vedic Astrology suggests that the visit of Juno to Jupiter will present profound transformation for understanding life on Earth.

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